Targhee sheep is a domestic sheep breed found in the United States. In the early 20th century, USDA Agricultural Research Service first developed this breed. In Idaho, a forest named Targhee covers the United States Sheep Experiment Station and this breed is named after this forest. Targhee sheep serves for both wool and meat production but mainly for wool production. This breed was developed in the southern regions, so they are well adapted to them. They are hardy sheep and can tolerate climatic extremities. Today, in South Dakota, this breed is popular. Corriedale, Rambouillet, and Lincoln sheep are considered their ancestors.
Targhee sheep is known for two main purposes including wool production. Their wool is of excellent quality. It is coarse in texture and used in the making of different useable items. On average, these sheep (especially ewe) produce about 4.5 to 6.3 kg fleece per sheep. The diameter of the fiber is about 21 to 25 micrometers. Their wool can be dyed and change of color is expected for some items. The spinners praise their wool. Approximately 58 to 64 is the spinning count of their wool. An average staple length of their wool is about 3 to 5 inches.
Targhee sheep is a medium to large-sized breed. They are well known for the production of wool. Their available color is white and sometimes off-white. The average weight of a mature Targhee ewe is in the range of 56 to 90 kg. With this reference, the weight and size of mature rams are slightly heavier and larger respectively. The average weight of a mature ram may reach up to 135 kg. the mothering properties of these sheep are very good and they are also good at producing milk. These sheep have high twining percentage. They produce more twins as compared to single lambs.
Targhee sheep are not ancient sheep. They are developed in the 20th century. They are still under research. The main advantage is wool production but there are not any serious disadvantages reported yet. They are also known for meat production but in minority. Their meat is not of very good quality but still sold in the market. After completing the lifespan farmers prefer to slaughter the sheep instead of letting them die. But their meat is not in high demand. There is another meat breed who's meat is highly demanded. This is the only disadvantage reported until now.
Targhee sheep are available in white or off-white color only. Sometimes there are some pigmentation
spots on their body but are tolerated. Due to large pigmented spots on their body, they are rejected because they are demanded in pure or off-white color in the market. The selection criteria are the size of the pigmented spot i.e. it should not be larger than one quarter.
The price of a sheep varies along with the location and size of the sheep. This is a newly developed breed and most people are not aware of this breed yet. Farmers are taking advantage of their low prices. On average a mature ram is available at 30 dollars for sale in the market.
Targhee Sheep Wool Type
Targhee sheep is known for two main purposes including wool production. Their wool is of excellent quality. It is coarse in texture and used in the making of different useable items. On average, these sheep (especially ewe) produce about 4.5 to 6.3 kg fleece per sheep. The diameter of the fiber is about 21 to 25 micrometers. Their wool can be dyed and change of color is expected for some items. The spinners praise their wool. Approximately 58 to 64 is the spinning count of their wool. An average staple length of their wool is about 3 to 5 inches.

Targhee Sheep Characteristics
Targhee sheep is a medium to large-sized breed. They are well known for the production of wool. Their available color is white and sometimes off-white. The average weight of a mature Targhee ewe is in the range of 56 to 90 kg. With this reference, the weight and size of mature rams are slightly heavier and larger respectively. The average weight of a mature ram may reach up to 135 kg. the mothering properties of these sheep are very good and they are also good at producing milk. These sheep have high twining percentage. They produce more twins as compared to single lambs.
Targhee Sheep Disadvantages
Targhee sheep are not ancient sheep. They are developed in the 20th century. They are still under research. The main advantage is wool production but there are not any serious disadvantages reported yet. They are also known for meat production but in minority. Their meat is not of very good quality but still sold in the market. After completing the lifespan farmers prefer to slaughter the sheep instead of letting them die. But their meat is not in high demand. There is another meat breed who's meat is highly demanded. This is the only disadvantage reported until now.
Targhee Sheep Color
Targhee sheep are available in white or off-white color only. Sometimes there are some pigmentation
spots on their body but are tolerated. Due to large pigmented spots on their body, they are rejected because they are demanded in pure or off-white color in the market. The selection criteria are the size of the pigmented spot i.e. it should not be larger than one quarter.
Targhee Sheep Price
The price of a sheep varies along with the location and size of the sheep. This is a newly developed breed and most people are not aware of this breed yet. Farmers are taking advantage of their low prices. On average a mature ram is available at 30 dollars for sale in the market.