Clun Forest Sheep Origin, Wool Quality, Milk Production, Meat

The breed of Clun forest sheep is a kind of domestic sheep. Clun Forest is a medium-sized sheep. The most noticeable feature of the Clun forest sheep is its dark-colored face which is free from wool. Clun Forest sheep have a good size body with thick fluffy coats of wool. Clun Forest sheep are well known for their hardiness. Clun Forest sheep breeds are good-natured and easy to handle. They are docile and alert in nature and also active in disposition. Clun Forest sheep also have impressive mothering ability. The breed of Clun forest sheep also has good productivity, longevity, and fertility.

    Clun Forest Sheep Origin

    Breed of Clun forest sheep yields its name from an old town surrounded by a forest of Clun in the region of England. Until 1837, Clun sheep were surely white-faced without horns. But the crossbreeding of Clun sheep with other kinds of the breed like Radnor and Longmynd resulted in their dark-colored face. In Great Britain, to secure the purity of origin and raise Clun forest sheep's advantages, the Clun Forest Sheep Breeders Society was established in 1925. At that time, the Clun forest sheep breed became the third most frequent purebred in Britain.

    Clun Forest Sheep Origin, Wool Quality, Milk Production, Meat

    Clun Forest Sheep Wool Quality

    Clun Forest sheep have a forehead covered with white wool but not lower than hocks and knees. Ewes, as well as the Rams, are polled. The wool of Clun forest sheep is medium in size, having a staple length of approximately 6 cm to 10 cm. The average weight of fleece is around 4 pounds to 7 pounds. Boards of fibre of Clun forest sheep range between 25 microns to 33 microns. Wool of Clun forest sheep is almost free from kemp and dark fibre. Clun Forest sheep have dense wool and well-developed crimp, which is constant in quality. 

    Clun Forest Sheep Milk Production

    Clun Forest sheep are a triple-purpose breed used for milk production, meat production, and better quality wool. Clun Forest sheep breed is usually crossbred with some other dairy sheep to get high-quality milk and impart the highest butterfat in their milk. Usually, a dairy sheep can produce around 180 to 500kg of milk, and mixed ewes can produce 140 to 290 kg of milk per year. Clun Forest sheep give birth to twins and produce milk after 4 to 6 weeks of lambing. Clun Forest sheep's milk is ideal for drinking and feeding their lambs. The quality of their milk is good, and the quantity is enough to wean lambs.

    Clun Forest Sheep Meat

    The breeding age of Ewe is 18 months and of Ram is 1 year. Usually, Clun forest sheep mature at around 10 weeks to 15 months. Clun Forest sheep are well known for their best quality of meat. Due to its excellent cutting quality, the meat of Clun forest sheep is low-waisted. The meat flavour of Clun forest sheep is delicious and superior to others. Their meat is lean and dark. Clun meat forest sheep have a natural attraction for grassland farming. Grazing high-quality forage helps them to give meat full of nutrients. Their meat is crumbly and thin.

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