Crele Penedesenca Characteristics, Temperament, Egg production, Weight

The Penedesenca is a distinctive breed of chicken indigenous to Catalonia in Spain. In the first part of the 20th century, natural barnyard chickens from the region were used to develop this breed of chicken. In the 1980s, the ancient black Penedesenca was on the verge of extinction, but thankfully, it was restored, and additional colors were also developed at the same time. Nowadays, these breeds can also be seen in the poultry farms of America.


    The Crele Penedesenca chicken has a unique appearance compared to the other chicken breeds. They are small to medium in size. The Crele Penedesenca breed is available in four varieties: Crele, Partridge, Wheaten, and Black. The most common color of these chicken is dark brown, and the eyes and the edges of their iris are black. The varieties of these chickens have different physical features or qualities. The Crele variety is known as the double-purpose chicken. Their varieties are not as popular as compared to these Penedesenca breeds. The cocks have dark-colored beaks, while the hens have light colors. 

    Crele Penedesenca Characteristics, Temperament, Egg production, Weight


    The Crele Penedesenca are active, lovely, and caring. They are also naturally aggressive. They are good companions. That is why they make new friends and want to spend more time with them. They like to live in the backyard of your home. The Crele Penedesenca chickens feel suffocated and are not comfortable in small places. These Crele Penedesenca chickens enjoy the company of their partner. They can live alone. You can carry them everywhere. This chicken requires moderate maintenance.

    Egg production

    The egg quality of Crele Penedesenca chicken breeds is fine. When these chickens live in the poultry world with the other white earlobes and birds, they lay white eggs. The exception of these Crele Penedesenca chickens is that they lay medium to large eggs, and their colors may be red or brown. Their eggs are also a part of their uniqueness. The Crele Penedesenca hen lays four eggs in a week. You get more than 200 eggs in a year if you have more hens. These hens are good mothers. When the hen starts laying, you should collect all of the eggs as soon as possible.


    The Crele Penedesenca chicken breeds are heavier than the other breeds. Their weight is small to medium. If you want to measure their weight, they may vary from 4 pounds to 6 pounds. The hens and cocks are different from each other in weight. Their diet plays an important role in their weight. The Crele Penedesenca chickens have some health issues. If your cock or hen suffers from a disease or health issue, you should treat them quickly. It would be best if you took good care of their health and diet. These chickens live a longer lifespan. Their life expectancy may vary from 5 years to 8 years

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