Angora goat is a Turkish breed known for its hair. These goats are named after a city of Turkey named Ankara (previously known as Angora). Angora goats are very beautiful and are mainly raised by the farmers for the production of their hair. Their hair is of very fine quality and bright in colour. Angora goat also produces meat and milk, but these are not profitable enough. The size of angora goats is small, and their life span is greater than average goats. These are hardy animals. Angora goats do not require any special facilities to live and demand only minimal care.
Angora goat originated from a city of Turkey named “Angora” and is named after this city. Angora is a district of Himalayan of Asia. It is believed by some people that the Angora goat was first initiated from China. Today, Angora goat is almost available in every country of this world. In 1554, Charles V imported the first pair of Angora goats to Europe. In Spain, this breed was first introduced in the year 1765. Later in the year 1785, a huge number of goats were further imported to France. In South Africa, Angora was first introduced in the year 1838.
Angora goats are beautiful goats of small size. They are mainly known for hair production. There are different colours available in this goat breed, including shades in them. From tan and brown colour, there is a shade of red, and from black, there is a shade of grey. Talking about fiber production, these goats can produce up to 12 pounds of skirted fiber. Angora goats have horns that are curved backwards. Their back is straight, and their legs are small in size. Their ears move like a pendulum. From the pelvis, these goats show a slight downward tilt. Overall the body of Angora is deep.
The life span angora goat is not extraordinary but like other average goats. These goats may live on an average of 10 years. Their maturity is not slow but good. These goats are helpful for the production of fiber from their hair. Farmers raise them for fiber production mainly. In 10 years of their life, they are shaved multiple times that is enough to gain benefit three times of their original price. These goats are also good at breeding. The average gestation period is about five months. They grow healthy without causing any trouble and requiring any special care and facilities.
Angora is a small-sized animal. These are beautiful looking goats. Milk and meat are not their primary purposes, but hair production is. They are even smaller in size than some other sheep breeds. The average weight of a male Angora goat is about 180 to 225 pounds, whereas the average weight of a female Angora goat is about 100 to 110 pounds. The size of Angora males is slightly larger than the Angora females. If special care is provided with a proper management system, these goats may reach up to 225 pounds in weight. But no matter what the weight is, their height remains small.
Angora goats are not famous for their milk production. But these goats can produce enough milk to feed their young ones. If they give birth to more than one kid, then their milk is not enough for their satisfaction. Usually, these goats produce only one kid at a time. Their milk contains almost 5.7% of fat. If by chance, there is a birth of twins, then other goat breeds have to feed the kids of Angora goat because Angora’s mother’s milk is not enough for the twins. Milk production from Angora is the least purpose Angora goats can serve.
Angora Goat Origin
Angora goat originated from a city of Turkey named “Angora” and is named after this city. Angora is a district of Himalayan of Asia. It is believed by some people that the Angora goat was first initiated from China. Today, Angora goat is almost available in every country of this world. In 1554, Charles V imported the first pair of Angora goats to Europe. In Spain, this breed was first introduced in the year 1765. Later in the year 1785, a huge number of goats were further imported to France. In South Africa, Angora was first introduced in the year 1838.

Angora Goat Facts
Angora goats are beautiful goats of small size. They are mainly known for hair production. There are different colours available in this goat breed, including shades in them. From tan and brown colour, there is a shade of red, and from black, there is a shade of grey. Talking about fiber production, these goats can produce up to 12 pounds of skirted fiber. Angora goats have horns that are curved backwards. Their back is straight, and their legs are small in size. Their ears move like a pendulum. From the pelvis, these goats show a slight downward tilt. Overall the body of Angora is deep.
Angora Goat Lifespan
The life span angora goat is not extraordinary but like other average goats. These goats may live on an average of 10 years. Their maturity is not slow but good. These goats are helpful for the production of fiber from their hair. Farmers raise them for fiber production mainly. In 10 years of their life, they are shaved multiple times that is enough to gain benefit three times of their original price. These goats are also good at breeding. The average gestation period is about five months. They grow healthy without causing any trouble and requiring any special care and facilities.
Angora Goat Size
Angora is a small-sized animal. These are beautiful looking goats. Milk and meat are not their primary purposes, but hair production is. They are even smaller in size than some other sheep breeds. The average weight of a male Angora goat is about 180 to 225 pounds, whereas the average weight of a female Angora goat is about 100 to 110 pounds. The size of Angora males is slightly larger than the Angora females. If special care is provided with a proper management system, these goats may reach up to 225 pounds in weight. But no matter what the weight is, their height remains small.
Angora Goat Milk Production
Angora goats are not famous for their milk production. But these goats can produce enough milk to feed their young ones. If they give birth to more than one kid, then their milk is not enough for their satisfaction. Usually, these goats produce only one kid at a time. Their milk contains almost 5.7% of fat. If by chance, there is a birth of twins, then other goat breeds have to feed the kids of Angora goat because Angora’s mother’s milk is not enough for the twins. Milk production from Angora is the least purpose Angora goats can serve.