Irukandji Jellyfish Facts, Location, Habitat, Diet

Irukandji jellyfish is a small-sized jellyfish. It is famous among other smallest jellyfish species. The main section of their body and bell are less than 1 inch. These jellyfish become transparent in water. It becomes hard to find Irukandji jellyfish in water because of transparency. There are a total of 4 tentacles attached to the bell. Their bell is square-shaped. The cube shape of their bell makes them belong to the box jellyfish group. Their tentacles are retractable, which is not usual. Irukandji jellyfish resembles many other venomous species of box jellyfish and an adult Irukandji jellyfish is about one cubic centimeter in size. They are the inhabitants of Australian marine water. They use their stings to hold victims.

    Irukandji Jellyfish Facts

    Irukandji jellyfish are stingy. They use their stings to hold their victim and inject. These jellyfish can cause Irukandji syndrome. Their venomous sting can cause sudden cardiac arrest, and people may die. The common kingslayer and Carukia Barnes are the two different species of Irukandji jellyfish. Both these species can cause Irukandji syndrome. There are lumps of small rings present on red-colored stings.

    Stings can be attached to its bells and its tentacles. Usually, Irukandji jellyfish stings are attached to the tentacles only. They have the ability to make themself disappear underwater. This characteristic protects them from predators.

    Irukandji Jellyfish Facts, Location, Habitat, Diet

    Irukandji Jellyfish Location

    Irukandji jellyfish are the inhabitants of the marine water of Australia. They are majorly found in the northern marine of Australia. The population of Irukandji jellyfish on the range of Australia’s eastern coast is shifting to the south slowly. They are the venomous jellyfishes that cannot be kept at home as a pet. They only live in marine water. Their stings attached to tentacles are full of venom. They inject venom to the skin that may cause symptoms known as Irukandji syndrome. They usually live in shallow water where they can hide easily. Their transparent body is a major advantage against predators.

    Irukandji Jellyfish Habitat

    Irukandji jellyfish, like other species of box jellies, live in warm water. They are commonly found off the northern coast of Australia. They are exactly found near the Great Barrier reef. It is a giant reef that has multiple small deep sections.

    These can be found easily in the depth of water. They live far from the shores. Like other box jellyfish species, they live deep down the marine water. They cannot be found in the open ocean. Irukandji jellyfish live in water at a depth of 33 to 66 feet. This is the most suitable depth of water for them. They are sometimes also found in shallow water where they make themselves transparent.

    Irukandji Jellyfish Diet

    The Irukandji jellyfish diet is still under research and they use different techniques to capture their prey. They are selective about their diet and researchers have observed a great change in their complex behavior. They are very selective about their prey. Irukandji jellyfish prey in the daytime, and they hunt fish and eat them. At night time, when it is dark, these jellyfishes use their tentacles to find their prey. They conserve energy in tentacles and hunt a fish when it is lazy or least active. Irukandji jellyfish can eat other creatures, living in the marine water. They usually prefer small-sized fish.

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